An imaging neutron/gamma-ray spectrometer


J. Ryan, Christopher Bancroft, Peter F. Bloser, Dominique Fourguette, Liane Larocque, Corp. (USA); Jason S. Legere, Mark L. McConnell; G. Ritter, G. Wassick, “An imaging neutron/gamma-ray spectrometer,” (invited paper), Proc.. of SPIE, Vol. 8509 (Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications XIII), September 2012.

Optical MEMS-Based Seismometer


D. Fourguette, M. Ötügen, L. Larocque, G. Ritter, J. Meeusen, and M. Kennedy, “Optical MEMS-Based Seismometer,” Proceedings of the 2011 Monitoring Research Review, Tucson, AZ., Sept. 13-15, 2011, pp. 267-273.

Effect of acceleration on the morphology- dependent optical resonances of spherical resonators


T. Ioppolo, V. Ötügen, D. Fourguette, and L. Larocque, “Effect of acceleration on the morphology- dependent optical resonances of spherical resonators,” ,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 28, No. 2, Feb. 2011, p. 225-7.

Global Distribution, Seasonal, and Inter-annual Variations of Mesospheric Semidiurnal Tide Observed by TIMED TIDI, Journnl of Atmospheric and Solar–Terrestrial Physics


Q. Wu, D. A. Ortland, S. C. Solomon, W. R. Skinner and R. J. Niciejewski, (2011) Global Distribution, Seasonal, and Inter-annual Variations of Mesospheric Semidiurnal Tide Observed by TIMED TIDI, Journnl of Atmospheric and Solar–Terrestrial Physics, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2011.08.007

Optical MEMS-Based Seismometer ‘WhiGs’


D. Fourguette, M. Otugen, L. Larocque, G. Ritter, J. Meeusen, and T. Ioppolo, “Optical MEMS-Based Seismometer ‘WhiGs’,” Proceedings of the 2010 Monitoring Research Review, Orlando, Fl., Sept. 21-23, 2010, pp. 272-9.