J. Ryan, Christopher Bancroft, Peter F. Bloser, Dominique Fourguette, Liane Larocque, Corp. (USA); Jason S. Legere, Mark L. McConnell; G. Ritter, G. Wassick, “An imaging neutron/gamma-ray spectrometer,” (invited paper), Proc.. of SPIE, Vol. 8509 (Penetrating Radiation Systems and Applications XIII), September 2012.
Optical MEMS-Based Seismometer
D. Fourguette, M. Ötügen, L. Larocque, G. Ritter, J. Meeusen, and M. Kennedy, “Optical MEMS-Based Seismometer,” Proceedings of the 2011 Monitoring Research Review, Tucson, AZ., Sept. 13-15, 2011, pp. 267-273.
T. Ioppolo, V. Ötügen, D. Fourguette, and L. Larocque, “Effect of acceleration on the morphology- dependent optical resonances of spherical resonators,” ,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 28, No. 2, Feb. 2011, p. 225-7.
Q. Wu, D. A. Ortland, S. C. Solomon, W. R. Skinner and R. J. Niciejewski, (2011) Global Distribution, Seasonal, and Inter-annual Variations of Mesospheric Semidiurnal Tide Observed by TIMED TIDI, Journnl of Atmospheric and Solar–Terrestrial Physics, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2011.08.007
D. Fourguette, M. Otugen, L. Larocque, G. Ritter, J. Meeusen, and T. Ioppolo, “Optical MEMS-Based Seismometer ‘WhiGs’,” Proceedings of the 2010 Monitoring Research Review, Orlando, Fl., Sept. 21-23, 2010, pp. 272-9.