MAC Project Mentioned in NASA’s Tech Briefs Publication

Company News

ANN ARBOR, MI, July 18, 2016 – Michigan Aerospace Corporation (MAC), an advanced engineering and products company, is pleased to announce its work with NASA on MAC’s eVADE technology has been published in the June 2016 edition of Sensor Technology, a supplement to NASA Tech Briefs.

MAC’s work on eVADE for NASA was conducted under a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract. The article explains the hazards that volcanic ash present to aircraft and then explains the proposed eVADE system:

“eVADE” (Volcanic Ash Detection Raman LIDAR) is a compact device capable of providing information on the ash load in the atmosphere. It is designed to operate onboard and airborne platform. It uses a polychromator to measure optical depth and species to identify volcanic ash from other aerosols.”

The article also explains how eVADE fits in with MAC’s other airborne sensing efforts: “There is potential to combine such a system with Michigan Aerospace Corporation’s optical air data system and icing- and turbulence-detection systems to create a unified system that would sense volcanic, turbulence and icing hazards ahead, and report airspeed along with air temperature and density.”

The full article can be read in the June 2016 edition of Sensor Technology and online at NASA’s Tech Briefs website.